Monday, April 15, 2013

Spring Fever

According to Wikipedia -- Spring fever is a term applied to several sets of physical and psychological symptoms associated with the arrival of spring. Well, I don’t know about you guys and gals, but I got it!  Taxes, chores, projects, end of semester grading--who can be bothered when there are tomatoes to plant and butterflies to watch?  Lounging in the sunshine, feeling the dusting of freckles returning to my nose I marvel at the glorious sun—her solar power charging me in optimism. Since November of 2012 life has been difficult due to a decline in my fathers health, but now that the cardinals are chasing each other like lovers do and mockingbirds serenade all through the night, I must admit I’m feeling anew.  This morning In the backyard, drinking a honeyed green tea I looked down at one of my three pots of strawberries and noticed a perky plant had jumped shipped, a wild pioneer embedded in the yard. Anything’s possible in this great big world, so here’s to new beginnings and pollen smeared honeybees. Enjoy yourself and send us your favorite spring photos!  We want to see what you see. 
Spring Blessings- Angilee

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

cell phone camera photography

Interesting article on shooting low-fi using cell phone camera and apps.

I have started to really embrace cell phone photography. With all the filters and adjustments available through mobile apps, shooting with the cell phone has become a whole new photographic art form. In addition there are  a variety of lens on the market that allow you to shoot with various focal lengths. My latest endeavor has been to email my SLR photos to myself so that i can then open them in my smart phone, download to my iphone's photo gallery and then re-open and run them through a mobile app. 

That being said, more times than not the photos you take with your phone's camera (especially the smart phones--I have an iphone) are a pleasant surprise and the image quality justs keep getting better. 
A big advantage to shooting cell-cam pics is that you always have a camera on you and it weighs very little.  

Photos below were taken with my cell phone:

                                          Wild Parakeets at White Rock lake 

                                          Apples in Maine

                                          Purcie the kitten

                                            Deer in the woods in Denton TX

                                           Winter Acorns

                                          Birds on the UNT campus

                                          Summer shower - dividing line of rainfall